Medicare and Social Security Basics

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Program Description


Jamie Ragins, financial advisor, will cover several prevalent topics related to Social Security and Medicare. These include:

  • Filing strategies
  • Factors to consider when producing income
  • Understanding the different parts and costs of Medicare, and
  • Discovering how Medicare works and how it will be affected during retirement.
  • Learning how taxes affect current investments, retirement income, and other areas of retirement.

The same program is being presented on two separate dates. Registration is required. To register, please contact Julie Duran, Illinois Outreach Coordinator for SOFA, at 708-221-7012 or

The Society of Financial Awareness (SOFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public benefit corporation whose mission is to provide financial education across America, one community at a time.

Please note:

Any person with disabilities who wishes to attend an event and requires a special accommodation should notify the Moline Public Library (see Contact Info on this page). Please contact the Library at least 24 hours in advance.