Young Adventurer's Club - Character Building

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Program Type:


Age Group:

Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.
Allowed Ages: 8 to 12
Allowed Grades: 3rd Grade to 5th Grade

Program Description


Have you ever wanted to build your own Dungeons and Dragons character?  Well now is your chance!  Come make your very own Level 1 character to use during adventures.

Young Adventurer's Club is for students in 3rd - 5th Grade.

This session will have limited materials available, so we encourage any who have their own dice and pencils at home to bring them to this program.

Registration begins December 17th and is limited

Please note:

Any person with disabilities who wishes to attend an event and requires a special accommodation should notify the Moline Public Library (see Contact Info on this page). Please contact the Library at least 24 hours in advance.